Fully Automated Smart-contract Scanning Tool

The fastest way to identify vulnerabilities and secure your smart contract.

latest Scan

Token Network Address Time Findings

How it work?

Enter your smart contract address

Choose your platform and paste the address of your smart contract into the field.

Initiate the scan

Click on the search button. Our system will run an automated scan to identify vulnerabilities in your smart contract.

Check the results

When the scan completes, the system will produce a detailed analysis report. Check the report to see all vulnerabilities that need remediation in your code.

Why choose SafeChain Scan


Fully automated scanner

Just enter your smart contract address and our system will take care of the rest. Automated scanning saves time and lets your security team focus on the vulnerabilities that really matter.

Reliable results

SafeChain Scan can detect all vulnerabilities in the SWC Registry and common bugs in Solidity. We use the latest technologies to identify more vulnerabilities and minimize false positives. Also, our reports are thoroughly checked by the security experts.

Detailed analysis report

SafeChain Scan provides a detailed analysis report that includes all vulnerabilities and the severity of each. Such a report enables businesses to prioritize the vulnerabilities that pose the biggest risk and protect themselves from automated attacks.

Built by security experts

SafeChain is a product of CyStack - a leading company in the field of cybersecurity and information security in Vietnam. Since our launch in 2017, we have worked with hundreds of clients and protected thousands of technological businesses and crypto projects. At present, CyStack owns a team of more than 300+ cybersecurity experts. We guarantee to deliver the best suite of cybersecurity services for our clients.
Years of Expertise
Security Applications and Services
Smart Contracts Scanned for Vulnerabilities
Token Slippage Alerts

Trusted by leading businesses

Request for a manual audit

Talk to our team of security experts for help on securing your Smart Contracts